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Version: 5.14.1

Getting Started


# use the main branch

npm install starknet

# to use latest features (merges in develop branch)

npm install starknet@next

Running test locally​

With Devnet​

Example devnet version is 0.5.3.

Get devnet with docker:

docker pull shardlabs/starknet-devnet:0.5.3
docker run -p 5050:5050 shardlabs/starknet-devnet:0.5.3 --seed 0

Open new console tab, go to your starknet.js directory and run:

npm run test # all tests
npm run test ./__tests__/contract.test.ts # just one test suite

By default defaultProvider tests will be ran through the Sequencer.

If you want to run defaultProvider through the RPC run:

export TEST_RPC_URL = ""

# only RPC related tests:
npm run test ./__tests__/rpcProvider.test.ts

Running docs locally​

If you want to change documentation and see how it looks before making a PR:

cd www
npm install # install docusaurus
npm run start # fires up a local documentation site

Compiling Starknet Contracts​

Please check the Starknet documentation here to compile Starknet contracts.

Additional helpful resources can also be found at OpenZeppelin documentation site.

Interacting with contracts and accounts​

For a basic overview on how to interact with contracts and accounts continue following this guide.

For some more extensive examples visit PhilippeR26's workshop.

Contracts used in the guides​

You can find the compiled contracts used in these guides in the compiled_contracts directory.