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Version: 6.23.1

Automatic TypeScript parsing of Cairo ABI-s

Starknet.js has integrated Abi-Wan-Kanabi, the standalone TypeScript parser for Cairo smart contracts.

It enables on-the-fly typechecking and autocompletion for contract calls directly in TypeScript. Developers can now catch typing mistakes early, prior to executing a call on-chain, thus enhancing the overall DAPP development experience.

Supported Cairo ABI-s​

Please take a look on the Abi-Wan documentation for a list of supported Cairo ABI-s.


First, you need to wrap your ABI in an array and export it as a const.


export const ABI = [
type: 'function',
name: 'increase_balance',
inputs: [
name: 'amount',
type: 'core::felt252',
outputs: [],
state_mutability: 'external',
] as const;

Later on, to use it in our code:

import { Contract, RpcProvider, constants } from 'starknet';

const address = 'YOUR_ADDRESS_HERE';
const provider = new RpcProvider({ nodeUrl: `${yourNodeUrl}` });
const contract = new Contract(ABI, address, provider).typedv2(ABI);

// Notice the autocompletion and typechecking in your editor
const result = await contract.increase_balance(100);

After that, you can use contract in your code as you would before, but with autocompletion and typechecking!

Generate abi.ts from the contract class​

If you have your contract class in a Json file, you can use the abiwan CLI to generate the abi.ts typescript file

npx abi-wan-kanabi --input /path/to/contract_class.json --output /path/to/abi.ts

Usage for deployed contracts​

Let's say you want to interact with the Ekubo: Core contract

You need to first get the ABI of the contract and export it in a typescript file, you can do so using one command combining both starkli (tested with version 0.2.3) and npx abi-wan-kanabi:

starkli class-at "0x00000005dd3d2f4429af886cd1a3b08289dbcea99a294197e9eb43b0e0325b4b" --network mainnet | npx abi-wan-kanabi --input /dev/stdin --output abi.ts
import { Contract, RpcProvider, constants } from 'starknet';
import { ABI } from './abi';

const address = '0x00000005dd3d2f4429af886cd1a3b08289dbcea99a294197e9eb43b0e0325b4b';
const provider = new RpcProvider({ nodeUrl: constants.NetworkName.SN_MAIN });
const contract = new Contract(ABI, address, provider).typedv2(ABI);

// Notice the types inferred for the parameter and the returned value
const primary_interface_id = contract.get_primary_interface_id();
const protocol_fees_collected = contract.get_protocol_fees_collected('0x1');